ada saja yang tersihir permainan lelang seperti itu. Celakanya bagi kolektor muda dan pemain pasar pemula, serta mereka yang “hanyut” oleh pembisik cantik jelita.

Selama ini di kancah internasional, buyer dari Indonesia dikenal memiliki “penciuman yang tajam”. Terhadap praktik seperti ini, bagi kolektor maupun pemain pasar dari Indonesia yang telah berpengalaman pasti sudah tahu. Because behind soaring prices reached at an auction house are layers of black curtains, it would be better for you to take a skeptical position. So the frying is done and items are passed little by little to the auction market at some soaring price, and the profit sharing will be fifty-fifty. X loving the piece and the estimated hammer price is IDR four billion, and so on and so forth. Usually those teams do not know each other, and the expats in the teams are perhaps not even aware they are being used 3) promotion again to pose various kinds of justification (including the incorporation of theories taken from voluminous books) coupled with rumors spread all over that there is Mr. 1) promotion through public seminars where collectors talk about art 2) the sending of various exploring teams comprising groups of collectors, museum directors and curators, grandchildren of certain maestros, mostly white, into bases of artists and centers of collectors. The operation of the system is similar to that of film industry. Then, the one or those you refer in your guess offer themselves to work together with potential artists (meaning: their works are presumed to be wanted, even hunted at market, circulating only in some small number and the circulation is controlled, and deemed quite good and powerful while the artist’s explorative spirit is considered to be consistent enough). In fact the market price or private sale price of the painting that ‘sells’ at IDR 4.7 never exceeds US$ 70,000 that is equivalent to IDR 600 million. So in this regard the formed price too far exceeds the ceiling of the real price of the object in question. The artist’s track record is still to be tested nationally and internationally and his/her work is not yet collected by art museums of the MoMA class, and he/she has never exhibits solo at reputable international galleries yet, and never as yet invited as a special invitee to the Venice Biennale for instance. See how in a short time an artwork increases its price like crazy, tenfold or even more, while it is only medium in terms of quality as well as the artist’s brand. Yet sad things could happen to young collectors and fledgling market players and other people that succumb to the persuasion whispered by beautiful girls mesmerizing them to join in crafty auction sessions.

So far, in international scenes buyers from Indonesia are known to have ‘a keen sense of smell’ in this regard. Experienced Indonesian collectors and market players must have been aware of such practice.